Danni and Fay say:
Number three landed at the end of April 2007 amidst controversy over everything from the name of the event (variously: The Poetry Ho-Down, Ladies’ Night, and MK Poetry Slam III) to the publicity material. Drama was born from the conflict, spurring the performance into an electro-charged battle! This time the main contenders were the runners-up of the Inaugural Poetry Slam, Danni and Fay, using their on-stage monickers of “The Antagonist” and “The Reluctant Poet” respectively. And no-one was quite sure what would happen when they hit the poetry arena...
When the erstwhile contenders pulled together on their final poem, they turned the competitive format on its head by combining their efforts in a poetry duet which segued from on-stage bickering to a feisty, full-frontal condemnation of sexism and an examination of gender differences, confounding the judges, and delighting the audience. And boy, was there a bevy-up after that one!
Watch this space for further witness statements!
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